Electoral Law

Electoral Law

The firm provides full legal advisory services in electoral campaigns, including issues related to eligibility, electoral accounts, diploma and mandate, as well as acting in party issues related to statutory issues and conflicts before the internal bodies of political parties and acting before the Regional Electoral Courts and the Superior Electoral Court.

The firm also assists electoral campaigns by monitoring communications on social networks, television programs and other media, and by adopting measures to preserve rights, such as the right of reply or retraction, and liability involving image rights.

contact us



General:  contato@francavilla.adv.br


São Paulo: (11) 3078-2531 | (11) 3709-2531 Belo Horizonte: (31) 3568-8995 | Fax: (11) 3078-2532

São Paulo

Rua Tabapuã nº81, 7º andar – Itaim Bibi | CEP: 04.533-010 – SP

Belo Horizonte:

Rua Timbiras nº 1936, sala 701 – Lourdes CEP: 30.140-061 – MG

Logo Francavilla  Francavilla, Assis Fonseca e Soares Cabral. Todos os direitos reservados 2015-2020